TS Base Planner

Foundation Planner

 Click on the link for each recipe. Note some are 2 serves which allow for an easy lunch or dinner option the next day.

All recipes are gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, soy-free & preservative-free.

BREAKFAST: Within 30 mins of waking

MORNING TEA: Within 2 hours of breakfast

LUNCH: Within 2 hours of morning tea

AFTERNOON TEA: Within 3 hours of lunch

DINNER: No Later than 7pm



Lunch Dinner Tip
MONDAY avo chocolate pie smoothie Zucchini sautee & 2 x eggs coconut chicken curry* *Try the coconut naan with this
TUESDAY vege burst smoothie coconut chicken curry & cauli rice Baked Salmon w asparagus or broccoli
WEDNESDAY 2 egg muffins (on the go option) Shepherds Pie chili beef stir fry(2) Save 2nd serve of chili for lunch tomorrow
THURSDAY coconut & walnut muesli chili beef stir fry broccoli egg bake(2)
FRIDAY vege burst smoothie Egg muffins- add side salad Steak w lemon quinoa or similar
SATURDAY 3 x eggs scrambled, & sautee greens chicken & zucchini salad Fennel & Almond Fish
SUNDAY beetroot burst smoothie

Salmon, eggs and greens 

pesto chicken with side of green vegetables Save 2nd serve of chicken for Monday's lunch


Daily Water Goal & Additional Fluids

  • As per personalised Performance Guide

Snacks During the Day (choose 2 options per day)

  1. 2 x Herbal Teas with 1 tsp of coconut oil added to each cup
  2. 1-2 cups mixed diced carrots & celery with hummus
  3. 1/4 cup Blueberries with 10 almonds
  4. 1-2 Egg Muffins - RECIPE HERE if having for lunch then 3 would be ideal
  5. Coconut yoghurt with 1/2 blueberries & 1/4 cup cacao nibs
  6. Garlic Chicken Nibbles

Supplement Support

 As per personalised Performance Guide

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